Mad hatter
Cecil Hepworth
Walton Film Festival
Can you help?

Can you help?

As the famous saying goes ‘many hands make light work’ and to ensure our events across the Film Festival run smoothly and safely we are always looking for volunteers to help us!

If you are interested in helping run tea/coffee bar at The Cecil Hepworth Playhouse when the museum is open, or if you would like to check the tickets for those attending the Alice in Wonderland screenings at The Everyman OR if you would like to be part of the marshalling team at the town centre ‘Alice in Wonderland Community event’ on Saturday 27th May then please get in touch.

Email: with your name and event of interest or dates across the Film Festival you are available to help.


Volunteering is so rewarding, and this opportunity is ideal for those who would like some social interaction, are completing some form of charity project or course – such as Duke of Edinburgh Awards. So why not join Love Walton today …